Stefan Gabos | webdeveloper
Example for: Zebra_Form, a jQuery augmented PHP library for HTML form building and validation

Basic image upload

We're checking for file types

File must have the .jpg, .jpeg, png or .gif extension, and no more than 100Kb!
  • try clicking on the submit button without filling the form and then, as you fill the form, to see the JavaScript validation in action
  • for each example, notice how the PHP code of the form remains basically unchanged, despite the template variations
  • disable JavaScript to see the server-side validation in action
  • although in all my examples I use HTML output, you can switch to XHTML output by using the doctye method
  • try the example in another browser and see that it works, out of the box. including IE6!

    // include the Zebra_Form class
    require 'path/to/Zebra_Form.php';

    // instantiate a Zebra_Form object
    $form = new Zebra_Form('form');

    // the label for the "file" element
    $form->add('label', 'label_file', 'file', 'Upload an image');

    // add the "file" element
    $obj = $form->add('file', 'file');

    // set rules

        // error messages will be sent to a variable called "error", usable in custom templates
        'required'  =>  array('error', 'An image is required!'),
        'upload'    =>  array('tmp', ZEBRA_FORM_UPLOAD_RANDOM_NAMES, 'error', 'Could not upload file!<br>Check that the "tmp" folder exists inside the "examples" folder and that it is writable'),

        // notice how we use the "image" rule instead of the "filetype" rule (used in previous example);
        // the "image" rule does a thorough checking aimed specially for images
        'image'  =>  array('error', 'File must be a jpg, png or gif image!'),
        'filesize'  =>  array(102400, 'error', 'File size must not exceed 100Kb!'),


    // attach a note
    $form->add('note', 'note_file', 'file', 'File must have the .jpg, .jpeg, png or .gif extension, and no more than 100Kb!');

    // "submit"
    $form->add('submit', 'btnsubmit', 'Submit');

    // validate the form
    if ($form->validate()) {

        // do stuff here


    // auto generate output, labels above form elements


In this example, the output is automatically generated by Zebra_Form's render method.

<!-- must be in strict mode! -->
<!doctype html>



        <meta charset="utf-8">

        <title>Zebra_Form Example</title>

        <!-- load Zebra_Form's stylesheet file -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/zebra_form.css">




            the content from the "PHP Source" tab goes here


        <!-- we're loading the JavaScript files at the bottom of the page so we don't delay page rendering -->

        <!-- try to load jQuery from CDN server and fallback to local source if not available -->
        <script src="//"></script>
        <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="path/to/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script>

        <!-- load Zebra_Form's JavaScript file -->
        <script src="path/to/zebra_form.js"></script>

